Standards that play nicely

Industry Standards

Tag That Photo uses the Metadata Working Group (MWG) standard for face tags. This group was
originally formed by Adobe, Microsoft and Apple. By writing your face tags in this format directly into your images you will preserve the tags into the future, as opposed to being dependent on a vendor’s proprietary implementation.

TTP also writes face tags in the Microsoft Photo Region Info (MPRI) specification, and this allows for better compatibility with Windows Explorer.

For supporting keyword metadata, we handle EXIF XP Keywords, IPTC Keywords and XMP Subject fields. 

Synchronize metadata

You won't have to deal with duplicate face tags or keywords. Tag That Photo will synchronize your tags between all the common standards. So if we read in MPRI face tags, we'll add the MWG equivalent tags, and vice versa. That provides you with the most compatibility to share your tags with other applications.

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