
Face tagging done accurately





Welcome to Tag That Photo, a photo management solution using powerful AI-based face recognition. Tag That Photo is a 64-bit application that runs on Windows 7 through 11 and designed for photo enthusiasts who:

Want fast face tagging

Want to manage all data locally

Uses industry standards for tagging

Face Recognition

Powered by Applied Recognition's patented face recognition engine, our app recognizes faces better than any other desktop product using advanced AI.


All tagging is done on your computer. They're YOUR photos after all. But you can also use OneDrive, Dropbox, or Google Drive to backup your photos.

Import Tags

You’ve spent countless hours tagging hundreds of photos. Tag That Photo values your efforts, enabling easy importing of your existing tags.

Limitless Library

Hundreds of photos? Thousands? Bring ‘em on! Tag That Photo's lightning fast processor keeps your photo organization efforts moving along.


We use industry standards to embed your tags in your images. Those can easily be read by other apps including Windows File Explorer.


Tag That Photo is a Microsoft Windows 64 bit OS desktop software application. Includes Windows 7, 8, 10, and 11 with latest service packs.

No, Tag That Photo is installed and operated locally on your Windows desktop or laptop. You decide which folders you want it to scan for photos. As long as you can see the folders from Windows File Explorer, Tag That Photo should be able to manage them. This includes folders on drives physically in your computer, or local folders that are mirrored to a cloud-based service such as Dropbox, USB drives, or network-attached drives such as NAS devices. Just be sure the drives are normally resident and not temporarily attached to your system.

How Does TTP Work?

See how the Tag That Photo face recognition wizard can help you organize your photos so you can reconnect with cherished memories quickly. Read the full review about us at Fixthephoto.com! 

Ready to keep your photos in your control?