Download Free Plan Here
The FREE Plan has no expiration date and a credit card is not required to use it. You enjoy all the perks and functionality available with our paid plans. This includes any names, keywords and other metadata being embedded to your images. They become a permanent part of the image data - ensuring the many hours spent tagging aren't lost!
What are the limits with this plan? The FREE Plan is a bit more lightweight than our paid plans, as it is limited to a max of 10 unique people. There are no limits on the number of photos you can tag per person. We let you know when you're reaching the max.
What happens when I hit the 10-person limit? In the message pop-up stating that you are at the limit, we offer a link directing you to our Subscription Plans page where you can find the plan that works best for you.
Download Instructions
- Click the button below.
- The TTP Installer will auto-download.
- Save to a folder.
- Once download completes, double-click to open the .exe application file.
- Follow the instructions to activate your free trial subscription.