The Benefits of Photo Tagging with Tag That Photo

why tag Photos with tag that photo?


Digital photography is a wonderful technology. Digital cameras and mobile devices make it super easy to “capture the moment.” Finding these precious moments later is not as easy. That’s why tagging is such an important part of managing today’s digital photo libraries.

Tags function much like those handwritten notes on the backs of photos. Dates, names, places, events can all be defined through tagging. There's upfront time and effort but you'll see the value when you discover how much easier it is to find favorite photos and manage your ever-growing photo library.

why tag Photos with tag that photo?


Digital photography is a wonderful technology. Digital cameras and mobile devices make it super easy to “capture the moment.” Finding these precious moments later is not as easy. That’s why tagging is such an important part of managing today’s digital photo libraries.

Tags function much like those handwritten notes on the backs of photos. Dates, names, places, events can all be defined through tagging. There's upfront time and effort but you'll see the value when you discover how much easier it is to find favorite photos and manage your ever-growing photo library.

In independent testing to measure accuracy, Tag That Photo's face recognition technology out-performed Microsoft, Google and Apple.

Tag That Photo automates face tagging

Tag That Photo's patented face recognition technology automates the task of organizing your photos. The more times a face is identified, the more accurate the suggestions.  Automating the face tagging process saves tons of time, plus finding favorite treasured photos is infinitely easier.

How Tag That Photo works:



TagThatPhoto starts by scanning each photo and using visual landmarks - (eyes, nose, and mouth) to find every face.



Our secure algorithm analyzes all the pixels and landmark measurements and calculates a unique code for every face.



Once you tag a name to that facecode, our software quickly and accurately matches it to other photos of the same person.

Screenshots from Tag That Photo

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Preserve Tagging Efforts

Tag That Photo uses the XMP format for tagging photos. This is the Metadata Working Group standard for face tags originally formed by Adobe, Microsoft, and Apple. By writing face tags in this format directly into images, they are preserved for the future, as opposed to being dependent on a vendor’s proprietary implementation.

Import Tags from Picasa and Fotobounce

Countless hours are spent tagging and organizing cherished photos. Tag That Photo values these efforts and made importing existing Picasa and Fotobounce tags a central part of Tag That Photo’s design, with plans to expand to other applications in the coming months.

Share Photos Without Sacrificing Your Privacy

When you share photos with trusted friends and family members (a.k.a. Taggers) via our Peer-to-Peer network feature, the face recognition data is also shared with those people, saving them time in tagging their photos. Rest assured, at no time, is this information made available to the public.